
WSOC has a vision of the world where the sanctity of childhood is protected, the unique gifts of each student are respected, and graduates embrace the future as engaged global citizens.


Waldorf School 奥兰治县

“我们最大的努力必须是培养自由的人类,使他们能够为自己的生活赋予目标和方向. The need for imagination, 一种真实感, 以及责任感——这三种力量是教育的精髓所在.”

—Rudolf Steiner, Founder, Waldorf Education


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推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜(WSOC)邀请您探索从幼儿到高中的华德福课程. 我们的使命是提供一个全面的教育,使儿童在认知上参与进来, actively and emotionally. We recognize and welcome the unique gifts brought by each child we serve, encourage independent thinking and imagination, and foster a life-long love of learning.

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We could not be more proud of our recent graduates! 言语无法表达我们对你们的思念,也无法表达我们对你们所有人的爱. Congratulations Class of 2024! ...

结束了! 今天是我们23-24学年的最后一天,我们很难和彼此说再见!

今晚, 我们尊重我们的八年级学生和家庭,因为他们离开年级,升入高中. 明天,我们庆祝我们的12年级毕业生,因为他们期待着未来令人兴奋的冒险. What a beautiful year it’s been!

Please join us this Friday for an evening of art and music! ...

Have you experienced the joy of Eurythmy? 这里是WSOC, 我们的学生有幸有两周的课程,由我们的两位专业的Eurythmy老师带领.

What is Eurythmy, you ask? Allow our students to explain! #eurythmy # waldorfeducation

我们所有四年级到八年级的学生都为管弦乐队或乐队练习乐器. They learn to site read and play in an ensemble. Months of study, effort and energy result in the annual Spring Concert. 4-8年级的学生音乐家们为观众献上了贝多芬的精彩作品, Wolfhart, 德沃夏克, J. 威廉姆斯 & Handel (to name a few).
What a wonderful evening!

Our seniors took us on a journey to the (comedic) Wild West! 这些了不起的学生表演了两场精彩的西部喜剧《亚洲十大网上博彩》. Not only did they OWN their roles, the students dedicated themselves to the set design, 集建筑, 服装, lighting and music for the play. We loved every moment! ...

What an incredible day for our faculty and staff, thanks to our wonderful families! 一群忙碌的家长与我们的老师和管理人员分享了美味的自制食物. Thank you, dear families, we are so grateful for our WSOC community! ...


你一定不想错过今年詹姆斯·麦克卢尔的西部喜剧的高级戏剧表演, 野生燕麦! 加入我们 Thursday Evening, 5月9日th at 7:00 pm in Eurythmy Hall. Rated PG-13 for mild innuendo and play fights. ...

今天有这么多家长和学生志愿者聚集在一起,为一年一度的五月嘉年华做准备. 我们非常感谢这美好的天气,灿烂的花朵和我们神奇的社区! 加入我们 for May Faire this Saturday, 5月4日th, 10 AM to 2 PM! ...

WSOC’s May Faire will take place from 10 - 2 on Saturday, 5月4日th. Admission is free and the festival is open to the public!

活动将以学生表演为特色,包括从上午10点到11点的五朔节花柱舞.m. followed by hayrides, 易如反掌, 在脸上画画, as well as games and crafts for children of all ages. Activity and food booths open at 11 AM.

Local artisans and vendors will be selling their unique wares, including The Company of Angels, Chafinity, 台面Colorworks, 第六 & Co., 菲利斯基尔默, Castle of Costa Mesa, 分类帐作品展, The Happy Little Potter, and industrious WSOC students selling their hand-made products. The celebration will also have live music from the bluegrass band “Wood & 钢”.

Visitors are encouraged to wear white or pastel colors. 加入我们!
# waldorfmayfaire
# waldorfeducation
# orangecountyfamily
# waldorfcelebration

A great time was had by all at WSOC’s Bauhaus Ball!
Thank you to all of our guests, 捐助者, 赞助商和顾客让这个特别的活动如此喜庆,如此成功!

8th Grade Projects are a rite of passage at the Waldorf School 奥兰治县, 提供一个机会,让学生体验完成一个长期致力于研究和学习的课题的成就. Working with mentors and experts in their areas of interest, the projects foster relationships, 培养毅力,突出演讲和吸引观众的勇气.

今年夏秋两季,三年级的学生们正忙着把花园里种的玉米磨碎,为美味的玉米面包制作面粉. We continue to be blessed with gifts from the Earth on #earthday! # waldorfeducation #waldorfthirdgradegardening #waldorfthirdgrade #waldorfcurriculum ...

亲子班为父母提供了一个机会,让他们在训练有素、经验丰富的幼儿专家的支持下,观察自己的孩子. Parents have shared that these observation-style classes are a breath of fresh air, peaceful moments and often a parent’s favorite part of their week. 欢迎,新朋友! ...

Early Childhood Information Evening
Wed, April 17th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm

and a Morning in the 幼儿园
Sat, April 20th, 9:00 - 10:30 am

RSVP through our website - link in bio


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